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Una niña paquistaní sostiene un libro naranja y una granada. Lleva un hijab morado y ropa morada y rosa. Detrás de ella hay un parque.

Amal Unbound por Aisha Saeed

Por Liane Hicks

Amal Unbound es una novela galardonada que cuenta la historia de una niña que crece en Pakistán y que se ve obligada a trabajar como servidumbre por contrato. Este libro es un recurso valioso para estudiantes y profesores para examinar las injusticias sociales en Pakistán y en todo el mundo.


Amal Unbound

Storyboard Descripción

Los estudiantes pueden rastrear los diferentes temas, símbolos y motivos presentes en la novela y crear un mapa de araña que los etiqueta, define e ilustra.

Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Amal realizes at a young age that education is one of the keys to achieving her dreams for the future. She loves to read and learn and wishes to be a teacher some day. Even when she is forced to live on the estate, she finds a way to continue her education by sneaking books from the library and teaching young Fatima to read.
  • Amal is shocked when she realizes that Nasreen Baji has not seen her family in years. Family and her bond with her sisters and parents is very important to Amal. When she is sent to live on the estate, she misses her freedom and her opportunity to read and continue her education, but she misses her family most of all.
  • Amal shows tremendous courage when she stands up to the Khan family that has ruled her village for centuries. She sees herself as not having a choice. However, in making the choice to do what is right despite the risks to herself and her family, she shows incredible bravery without realizing it.
  • Amal is surprised that her family and neighbors are disappointed when her mother gives birth to another girl. Boys are favored in Amal's society and receive more opportunities in education, jobs, and in determining their own destinies. Women in Pakistan and all over the world continue the fight for gender equality.
  • Indentured servitude is illegal in the U.S., Pakistan, and in most countries. Despite this, the unjust use of forced labor to pay off debts is still widespread in some countries like Pakistan. In Amal's case, even though her family did everything they could to raise enough money to pay the debt, it was not enough. Jawad Sahib charged his servants for room and board and so debt was never able to be paid off.
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