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Respiratory Case Study

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Respiratory Case Study
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  • I don't think the nebulizer for my asthma is working and my chest is hurting so bad. I can't stop wheezing and I'm so dizzy I might pass out.
  • Oh my god, I'm so worried. Let's get you to the hospital this is not normal.
  • Hmm... Looks like she's got severe swelling in her legs. Her heartrate is 95 bpm which is a little high, but still in normal range but her blood pressure is 90/58 which is lower than normal.
  • Well, it's hard to be sure right now. I'm going to have a ventilation quantification scan done just to be positive, but I think you're wife has pulmonary embolism.
  • So what's wrong with Barbara?
  • What's a ventilation quantification scan!?!
  • A ventilation quantification scan is a type of medical scan that we use to see the flow of air and blood in your lungs. It can tell us whether or not you are suffering from some sort of disease or illness. Pulmonary embolism is a condition where a lung artery is somehow blocked which is what likely caused the symptoms your wife is experiencing.
  • What's pulmonary embolism!?!
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