The Reader and Alec Experience the Action at the Same Time
“In the afternoon he groomed the Black until the stallion’s black body glistened, and his long mane fell smoothly down on his neck.”
I have to free The Black or he will surely die.
“Suddenly he let loose on the reins and the stallion bolted. He gained momentum in mighty leaps”
I'd rather be with the stallion than by myself.
“Answering the pleas of the hundreds grouped around them, Alec took a few roses from the huge bow of flowers draped around the Black’s neck, and then threw the rest of them into the throng.”
I've never seen anything so beautiful!
The Reader Knows Alec’s Thoughts
“When he came up, his first thought was of the ship; then he heard an explosion, and he saw the Drake settling deep into the water.”
“Without stopping to think, Alec grabbed hold of [the rope]. Then he was pulled through the water, into the oncoming seas.”
“Alec forgot his problems in the beauty of the stallion as he swept along, grace in his swift stride, his black mane and tail flying.”
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