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The Monkeys Paw

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The Monkeys Paw
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Exposition
  • Conflict
  • Rising Action
  • I wish for.....
  • In the beginning of the story it is a dark cold and windy. A father and son are playing chess and the mother is knitting by the fire. The family is waiting for a visitor
  • Climax
  • The conflict starts when Mr. White starts talking about the monkey's paw to the sergeant. The sargeant does not want anything to do with the paw so he throws it in the fireplace. Mr.White saves the monkeys paw and holds it in his grasp. Which leads to Mr.White being the hero/protagonist, the monkey's paw was the antagonist.
  • Falling Action
  • The rising action occurs when Mr.White starts making his 3 wishes. Wish 1; he would get 200 pounds. After that wish is granted his son dies at work and the family get 200 pounds for his death at workWish 2: The wife really wanted her son back so she told her husband to wish for him back.
  • Resolution
  •  The climax was after the 2nd wish was in place. All of the sudden there was someone was knocking on the door. Mis,White thought it was her perfect son but Mr.white had a diffrent idea of what he was gonna look like. Mr. white scrambles to try to find the monkey's paw in the dark to make his final wish.
  • As Mr.White is trying to find the Monkeys paw, Mis white is trying to open the door. She is to short to reach the door so she is standing on a chair and trying to unlock the locks.
  • All of the sudden the knocking on the door stops. Mis.White opens the door and finds that there is nothing there. Mr.Whites 3rd wish has come true. Wish 3: I wish my son was dead again.
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