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The Monkey's Paw

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The Monkey's Paw
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • The Monkey's Paw
  • The Monkey's Paw.
  • Introduction
  • Nothing, or at least nothing worth hearing.
  • What were you starting to tell me about a monkey's paw, Morris?
  • Monkey's Paw?
  • Rising Action
  • How about we wish to clear the house! Wish for 200 pounds!
  • If you must wish at least wish for something sensible.
  • I wish for 200 pounds!
  • How about you wish for 4 pairs of hands for me?
  • The Monkey's Paw is a short horror story written by W.W. Jacobs.
  • Climax
  • Mr. and Mrs. White, I am sorry to inform you that your son, Herbert, has passed in a machine accident. But, we would like to offer you compensation.
  • Mr. White brings up the Monkey's Paw but Sergeant-Major Morris didn't want to tell the story.
  • Falling Action
  • Wish Herbert alive!
  • Where's the paw?
  • Right here, why?
  • Mr. White wishes for 200 pounds to clear the house.
  • Resolution
  • I WISH------
  • Herbert dies in a machine accident, and the compensation was the exact amount that the family had wished for from the monkey's paw.
  • How much?
  • Two hundred pounds.
  • Mrs. White makes Mr. White wish with the paw that Herbert would come back to life. Reluctantly, Mr. White wishes.
  • *sigh* I wish my son were alive!
  • Wish him alive!!
  • Are you mad?!
  • Mrs. White goes to open the door for her son Herbert, but Mr. White is scared of what he'll see so he makes his last wish. It is unknown what his last wish was.
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