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  • I got sick over the weekend and can you tell me what is going on in my body after I got the Infection(15)i want to know what is happening with the pathogen (16) in my body, My wife was probably the vector (17)
  • Your first line of defense(23) ,which consists of mucous membrane (1)which has natural antibiotics(2) that help kill pathogens, skin (18) which has hard proteins that don't allow most pathogens to stay alive, then your stomach (20)which has hydrochloric acid that is so acidic that it kills most pathogens.
  • I can tell you did not have innate immunity (21),or acquired immunity (22) and since your wife passed it on too you it was a communicable disease (14) ,if you got a vaccine(19) you would have had acquired immunity and if you had innate immunity you would not be sick right now as well because somebody would have passed on antibodies(12) to you.
  • Is there a second line of defense(24) if our first line of defense misses some pathogens?
  • Yes there is there is even a third line of defense (25) if the second line misses some pathogens as well the your a part of the second line of defense is when your immune system (3) has a nonspecific response and that is called inflammation which consists of fever (13) and that is when the area is where the pathogen heats up because pathogens are temperature sensitive so many of them died which also slows down the replication rate of the pathogens.
  • Is there is a specific response system if there is a non specific response system?
  • Yes, The specific immune response is the third line of defense and a little bit of the second line of defense but I will stay on the stay on the second line of defense for now and there is a secondary immune system called the lymphatic system (6) is contains leukocytes (5) which are phagocytes(8) and lymphocytes(9) and phagocytes are the last thing in the second line of defense and the lymphatic system also contains a fluid called lymph that has white blood cells (4)in it specifically T-cells (10) and B-Cells (11).
  • wow i did not know that
  • I will now tell you the steps of the specific immune response first a phagocyte engulfs a pathogen then the phagocyte presents itself to a T-cell and the t-cell is trying identify the antigen (7)and since it did not recognize is the t-cell call a b-cell to make a antibody for the antigen than the b-cell release the antibodies to attach it self to the antigen and memory t and b cells remain in the system the next time this pathogen come back.
  • Great explanation!
  • Thank you for explaining what sis going on in my body
  • Your welcome!
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