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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Fleance
  • “I dreamt last night of the three Weïrd Sisters /To you they have showed some truth" (ii.i. 19-20). “I think not of Them”(ii.i.21).
  • In the courtyard
  • Banquo
  • I dreamt of the weird sisters last night
  • Macbeth
  • Oh um-um i haven't thought about them at all!
  • Why did you want to meet in the courtyard?
  • Servant
  • "Is this a dagger which I see before me"(ii.i.33). "I have thee not, and yet I see thee still"(ii.i.36). "Thou marshall’st me the way that I was going"(ii.i.43). "There’s no such thing/ It is the bloody business which informs"(ii.i.48-49).
  • Everyone left except Macbeth
  • Is this a dagger I see in front of me? It is pointing me to Duncan's room. I can see you but I cant touch you. There's no dagger here, it's just my brain playing tricks on me because of the bloody crime I'm about to commit.
  • "The doors are open, and the surfeited grooms/Do mock their charge with snores. I have druggedtheir possets"(ii.ii.7-9). " Alack, I am afraid they have awaked/And ’tis not done"(ii.ii.9-10)
  • Outside of Duncan's room
  • I have drugged the servants. The Doors to Duncan’s chamber are open, and the drunk servants make a mockery of their jobs by snoring instead of protecting the king. I put the daggers where Macbeth could see them. Oh no i'm afraid the servants woke up.
  • Why have you let yourself become weak. Go wash your bloody hands and put the daggers back!
  • "I have done the deed didst thou not hear a noise"(ii.ii.14)? "Hark! Who lies i' th' second chamber"(ii.ii.19)? "There are two lodged together"(ii.ii.29)."Still it cried, “Sleep no more!” to all the house/“Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor/Shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more"(ii.ii.42-44)
  • you coward! I'll do it myself
  • Outside of Duncan's room and Macbeth comes in with bloody hands
  • Malcom and Donaldbain
  • I have done the deed. Did you hear that noise? Who's sleeping in the second chamber?
  • I heard a voice say “Sleep no more!” to everyone in the house. “Macbeth has murdered sleep, and therefore Macbeth will sleep no more.”
  • I can't!
  • Good Morning
  • Lennox
  • "Good morrow, both"(ii.iii.18). "He did command me to call timely on him / I have almost slipped the hour"(ii.iii.19-20). "I know this is a joyful trouble to you / But yet ’tis one"(ii.iii.22-23).
  • It is now morning and Macduff and Lennox have arrived at the castle
  • Porter
  • Macduff
  • Good morning to you both. The king is still asleep. But I would gladly bring you to him.
  • Please do so as I am supposed to wake him up and I have almost missed the time. I would like to say Thank you for hosting him.
  • "Good morrow, both"(ii.iii.18). "He did command me to call timely on him / I have almost slipped the hour"(ii.iii.19-20). "I know this is a joyful trouble to you / But yet ’tis one"(ii.iii.22-23).
  • Macduff left to wake up Duncan until...
  • The night has been chaotic. People are saying they heard cries of grief in the air, strange screams of death, and terrible voices predicting catastrophes.
  • Is the king leaving today?
  • He is.
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