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French Revolution

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French Revolution
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  • The government system seems unfair and unequal and I think we should spread enlightenment ideas.
  • Yeah, we should have equality, liberty, and democracy
  • For Enlightenment!!! Charge!!!! Storm the Bastille
  • CHARGE!!!
  • Spread of the Enlightenment through Europe by Enlightened thinkers like Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, Beccaria, and Mary Wollstonecraft.
  • The revolution and riots during the storming of the Bastille was important cause of the French Revolution. It marked the beginning of the revolution. They wanted a change in the government system from their ideas of the enlightenment and that was them taking action.
  • Napoleon becomes a War Hero and is supported by society.
  • CHARGE!!
  • Napoleon brought his troops tothe national legislature andseizes political power, and the people support him because of his heroic acts.
  • I am in power!!
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor and the French supported him. On December 2, 1804, Napoleon took the crown from the Pope and crowned himself. This shows that Napoleon thought he was more powerful than the church, which was different than other rulers of France.
  • The defeat at the battle of Waterloo ended Napoleon’s last bid for power called the Hundred Days.
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