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French Revolution

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French Revolution
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  • Meeting of the Estates General
  • Majority Rules sorry
  • Wy do we only have to pay taxes
  • Tennis Court Oath
  • We won't listen to them!!!
  • We will create a fair constitution
  • Storming of the Bastill
  • lets go in and take what they have
  • Oh no we have a problem
  • At the meeting of the estates they were discussing the financial crisis of france there solution was to tax the third estate but this wasn't fair even though they were already not getting enough money. but all the estates voted by order and the first two estates voted against the third estate and it was majority rules so third estate had to pay most of the taxes.
  • The March on Versailles
  • In 1789 the third estates gathered to make a group called the national assembly that pledged to never to separate and to meet wherever the circumstances might require until they have established a sound and just constitution. By 1791 they completed their main task by producing a constitution, The constitution of 1791.
  • The Reign of Terror
  • Come here you foolish criminal!
  • On July 14, 1789 the revolutionaries stormed a prison with the name of the bastille. With this attack it was a signal starting the French revolution.
  • The Rise of Napoleon
  • We can't lose with Napoleon as our leader
  • On october 5th around 6 thousand women marched to Versailles to tell the king that they needed bread for their kids and demanded to see the king. The women refused to see to leave unless the king promised to go back with them to paris.
  • Our children are hungry
  • Get the king out here!
  • Once they killed the king a new person took over france his name was Robespierre he said that france could become a republic by taking criminals heads off and he would use the guillotine on anyone that disrespected the revolution in any way. HE believed terror was the way to achieve their goals.
  • i didn't to anything though
  • Although France did not want a single leader they decided to bring Napoleon to be their leader he was like an emperor to France. The citizens of France let him takeover them because of his military success he won a lot of battles for France. He also reformed France by strengthening the central government.
  • We have won another battle!
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