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Hamlet Bishop

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Hamlet Bishop
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Horatio, Marcellus and Barnardo tell Hamlet about Ghost
  • "I saw him once. He was a goodly king." "My lord, I think I saw him yesternight"
  • Hamlet tells Horatio, Barnardo and Marcellus to keep the ghost a secret
  • "And whatsoever else shall hap tonight, give it an understanding but no tongue"
  • Ghost tells Hamlet that Claudius killed him 
  • "The serpent that did sting thy father's life Now wears his crown."
  • In Act 1 Scene 2, Barnardo, Marcellus and Horatio come to Hamlet to tell him that they saw his father in ghost form the other night when they were keeping guard. A few lines later, Horatio goes on to describe what Hamlet's father looked like and how he was acting. Hamlet was very skeptical from the beginning.
  • Hamlet tells Horatio and Marcellus his plan of acting crazy 
  • "But come. Here, as before, never so help you mercy. How strange or odd some'er I bear myself (As I perchance hereafter shall think meet To put an antic disposition on ."
  • In Act 1 Scene 2, Hamlet instructs Barnardo, Marcellus, and Horatio not to say anything about seeing the ghost because he doesn't have all the details and wants to know more.
  • Murder of Gonzago 
  • "Can you play 'Murder of Gonzago'? You could for a need, study a speech of some dozen or sixteen lines, which I would set down and insert in't, could you not?
  • In Act 1 Scene 5, the Ghost tells Hamlet that he was killed by Claudius. Later on, he talks about how the whole country thinks that he was bit by a snake and that's how he died, when in fact it was Claudius poisoning him.
  • Don't Overdo It
  • For anything so o'erdone is from the purpose of playing.
  • In Act 1 Scene 5, Hamlet tells Marcellus and Horatio that he is going to start acting strange but doesn't tell them why. He just wants them to know he is faking and isn't really going crazy. He is acting crazy to plan his revenge against Claudius for killing his father. 
  • In Act 2 Scene 2 , Hamlet was spending time with old college friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern when they told him they had players coming to perform for him. Hamlet had the players perform the Murder of Gonzago which was a revenge story for someone whose father was murdered. Hamlet asked the player to add a few lines to the play representing how Claudius killed his father to see how he would react to it.
  • Ay, my lord.
  • In Act 3 Scene 2, the play is about to begin. Hamlet tells the players not to overdo the performance because it will make his plan of exposing Claudius too obvious.
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