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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • 7th Grade
  • Exposition
  • See it works!
  • Rising Action
  • On the first day of school, Victor was given a packet that said his elective, French. He chose French hoping to get into the same class with the girl he liked, Teresa. Victor was confident that Teresa would be his girl this year. He ran into his friend, Michael, by the water fountain. They did their hand shake until Victor asked, How come you're making a face? I ain't making a face, this is my face, said Michael.Michael said his face changed over summer. He also explained how he found some magazines of male models scowling. He said, I think it works.
  • Climax
  • La me vave me con le grandma
  • Michael told Victor that he saw a girl looked at him. Victor was weirded out, but he didnt say anything. They talked about baseball, movies, family, and the horror of picking grapes to buy their fall clothes.The ball rang and they went their own ways. On his way to homeroom Victor tried a scowl and felt silly, but he noticed a girl glancing at him, so he scowled with more purpose. In homeroom, he thought about Teresa and how he wanted to bump into her in the hallway.
  • Falling Action
  • Teresa said, Hi, Victor! and Victor ended up embarassing himself and said, Yeah, that's me. Later, during lunch Victor was scanning the cafeteria for Teresa, but he couldn't finder her, so he left Michael and went to look for her. He found her sitting under a plum tree with her friend. When the bell rang, Teresa and Victor's eyes met. After she gathered her books, she left for French class. They were one of the last students to get to class. They sat down while the teacher, Mr. Bueller, wrote some French words on the chalkboard.
  • Resolution
  • During class, Mr. Bueller asked the students if anyone knew French and Victor put his hand up trying to get Teresa's attention. The teacher beamed and said, Tres bien. Parles-vous francais? Victor didn't know what to say so he whispered, La me vave me con le grandma. Mr. Bueller asked him to please speak up and Victor started blushing in embarassment. Then, Victor mumbled, Frenchie oh wewe gee in September. However, Mr. Bueller asked him to repeat and as Victor repeated his sentence, Mr. Bueller understood that he didn't know French.
  • Victor has never felt so embarassed and he felt to weak to join the rest of the class. The bell rang, and Victor ran out of the room, avoiding the other kids. The teacher locked at Victor and Victor looked back. In his head, Victor was thinking about the teacher and if he would tell Teresa that he liked her. He said he would do anything just don't say anything. Mr. Bueller got a flash-back of when he was trying to impress a girl when he was younger. After class, Teresa walked up to Victor and asked him if he could help her with her French.
  • Can you help me with my French, Victor?
  • Victor replied, Sure, anytime! Teresa asked, I won't be bothering you, will I? Oh no, I like being bothered. said Victor. Bonjour! said Teresa as she walked away smiling sweetly. He blushed thinking Teresa is a great girl and Mr. Bueller is a good guy. Victor said bonjour, then went to metal shop and after to biology. And after school he ran to the public library where he checked out 3 French textbooks. He knew he would enjoy 7th grade.
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