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Macbeth hannah bush

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Macbeth hannah bush
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • 1st and 2nd murder: "RIght away master"!
  • i am King but I cannot kill Banquo because of my power, that is what i need you for....
  • Literary term: Metaphor " We have scorched the snake, not killed it.
  • 2nd murder: "I hear horses" 1st murder: " thats him, prepare yourselves."
  • 3rd. murder: Macbeth sent me ! I am here to help,
  • Literary term: personification. "our time does call upon"
  • lit term: Irony: Tis safer to be by which. we destroy."
  • GET HIM!
  • Bastards! Run fleance!
  • *Running*
  • Macbeth has ordered his 2 murders to go find and kill Banquo before he gets to the dinner.
  • "OH MY GOSH! The Lord is crazy!"
  • "GO AWAY!!!!!"
  • "Everyone stay calm, my husband does this, it is normal!"
  • Lit term: Symbolism: ""Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake Thy glory locks at me."
  • The 2 murders find out Macbeth has sent a 3rd murder to help them kill Fleance and Banquo.
  • "i am hallucinating my lady, lets get sleep."
  • Literary term: Foreshadowing: " " it is concluded. Banquo, thy souls flight, if it find heaven, must find it out to-night"
  • It will be ok Macbeth, you need rest.
  • Literary Term: Allusion: "My Guinness is rebuked."
  • The 3rd murder hears horses as Banquo and Fleance approach, They kill Banquo but Fleance gets away.
  • First witch: "What’s wrong, Hecate? You look angry."
  • Hecate: "Why would you use your powers i gave you to poison Macbeth!!!"
  • As all of the guest are at his house he is hallucinating that Banquo's ghost in tormenting him. Lady Macbeth attempts to keep the people. calm.
  • Lady Macbeth tells all the guest to leave and go home. She is convinced Macbeth is hallucinating because he has not slept.
  • In. act 3 scene 5, Hecate approaches the 3 witches and is very angry about them giving potions to Macbeth.
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