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League of gentlemen
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Storyboard Descripción
brian, mike and geoff talking
Texto del Guión Gráfico
Shebab's Restaurant
Does anyone want another drink?
Brian, Geoff and Mike are sat at a restaurant for their annual meal.
Brian begins to tell a story
Geoff interrupts the story.
It's my birthday!
Geoff stands up. Brian and Mike continue Brian's story.
The conversation carries on.
Geoff shouts at Brian midstory
Geoff tries to argue with Brian
Mike stops the argument
Brian starts talking again. Geoff interrupts.
Brian wishes Geoff a happy Birthday
Geoff pulls out birthday hats from his pocket
I hate you Brian. You always knew I had this Gun.
Geoff speaking about his age Brian and Mike put their hats on.
Why did you have to do something like this?
Geoff puts a letter on the table.
Geoff ends his speech and leaves to go the toilet.
To see the look on your face!
Mike picks up the letter and starts to read.
Oh. You, Baby!
Gun shot is heard.
Geoff opens his eyes and speaks.
Mike storms out and leaves
It was only a joke.
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