As a consumer, I'm frustrated when places use compsotable materials so they can say/report that they're eco-friendly. Usually, there's nowhere to even compost!
In my role in ESG comms, I always ask myself: How can companies authentically do better?
Scope 3 emissions categories include:purchased goods and servicescapital goods; fuel- and energy-related activities; transportation and distribution; waste generated in operations; business travel; employee commuting; leased assets; processing of sold products; use of sold products; end of life treatment of sold products; franchisesinvestments
Emissions Breakdown
And what will happen when more pressure is put on consumer businesses to report their scope 3?
Scope 3 Categories
One reason I enrolled in SUMA is because, as a resident of NYC, I'm eager to learn how we can use the motivators of company reporting and reputation to encourage city partnerships that improve product end-of-life.