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The french and indian war

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The french and indian war
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  • Both Britain and France wanted control over the Ohio Territory. Britain's colonists felt cramped in their area of land.
  • No way! France was here first!
  • The Ohio Territory belongs to Britain! Our colonists need to expand!
  • NEVER!!!!
  • Please leave the Ohio Territory! I don't want to fight.
  • A change in British leadership and an outbreak of smallpox in the Natives that were France's allies changed the war after France had been winning for 3 years.
  • Ah! But we've been winning for the last 3 years! And we can't lose you guys! Britain has had a change in command!
  • Britain gains he upper hand. When they capture Quebec, France surrenders. The war officially ends 1763
  • Ah! Fine, we surrender.
  • We've captured Quebec. (A place) Surrender France.
  • The End
  • As a result of the war, Britain experienced great debt. To try to fix this, the colonists are taxed. This angers the colonists, especially because they are not given a say in the government.
  • We now have a lot of debt. Let's just tax the colonists.
  • How dare the king tax us without giving us a say in Parliament! Us colonists might end up doing something about this!~
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