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Journey Map - ENG 225

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Journey Map - ENG 225
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  • October 2, 2002
  • June 2003
  • SOLD
  • July 2003
  • Fortunately, we were able to move in with my grandmother.
  • January 2006
  • August 2008
  • August 2008
  • May 2010
  • June 2010
  • August 2010
  • May 2014
  • On the Night of October 2, 2002, Isaiah Stokes Was born to David and Clarissa Stokes and his older sister Mikala.
  • February 2014
  • The First year of my life was pretty tuff. My parent's loss their jobs within a month of each other. They were forced to sell our house.
  • August 2014
  • Fortunately, we were able to move in with my grandmother.
  • August 2014
  • We were eventually able to move back into our own apartment.
  • October 2, 2014
  • I started school. This is the first significant memory I can provide actual input on. All previous memories happened before I could remember. My parents were out of town, so my older cousin dropped me and my sister off. While I do love my older cousin, I was a little upset that my parents were not there. But my teacher was really nice and understanding. I had my parents for everything else I had ever done. It was scary that they were not there.
  • August 2016
  • Eventually, I was able to calm down and meet my two best friends, Kyler and Nathan. We were inseparable. We all played on the same soccer team and visited each other's houses all the time. This was the first time I was around someone my age that I really connected with. I have vague memories of Pre-K. But meeting those two in kindergarten is one of my favorite memories. We were all in the same class for kindergarten and 1st grade.
  • August 2017
  • The summer before the second grade, my parents told my sister and me that we would be moving to a new town. I remember being really sad because I would not be able to see Kyler and Nathan anymore. The place I grew up in was called Middletown, and it was all I ever knew. I carefully loaded myself into the car and followed the moving truck off to my new home.
  • August 2021
  • Fortunately, I was able to meet some really nice kids that lived in my neighborhood. Their names were Daniel and Katie, who were brother and sister, and Danny and Tori, who were siblings as well. My sister was in high school by this time and was too old to play with us. Meeting these friends my transition from my old home and friends much easier, It would have been a lot harder without them.
  • April 2023
  • Things at my new school felt good then, but I have come to a new perspective as I have aged. I had several people who I thought were friends. But I have realized that these people were not friends. They were insulting and dismissive of me. I also had a hard time learning and keeping up with my peers. My teacher and the school worried that I might have intellectual disabilities. I was tested for dyslexia and other conditions. The results came back negative but something had to be done.
  • My school placed me on an IEP or Intervention and Enrichment program. This consisted of me receiving extra help from special teachers and leaving my regular classroom to get this help which would make my classmates erupt in waves of giggles. I had classmates and people that I considered my friends tell me to my face that I was not as smart as them. It went on like this from the second till the end of fifth grade. This dynamic made me doubt my academic abilities for years to come.
  • During that summer, I moved back to live in my grandmother's house. She had passed away earlier in the year and had left it to us. She was a really important woman in my life and I miss her every day.
  • As much as I miss my grandmother, things in my new school were much better. My teachers were more sensitive to my needs as an IEP student, and my classmates were much nicer to me. I was able to achieve academically for the first time in my life. I made the honor roll and had straight A's. I was able to change the way that I thought about myself. I saw myself not as someone summer than everyone else but as a student needing extra help to do my best. Sixth grade was m favorite year in school.
  • My sister went off to college when I started the sixth grade, which was really tuff for me. I am really close with her, and it was difficult not to be able to talk with her every day. She is also a really big academic inspiration for me. She is really smart, and I wanted to be just like her. I owe a lot of my current academic success to her.
  • It was a little weird to be the only kid in the house. But I soon got used to it. They always encourage me to do my best and give me their full support.
  • Middle school was not that eventful, thankfully. I was able to continue the growth that I made during the sixth grade. I impressed my teachers enough to recommend me for advanced and honors classes when I started High School. I did not take the faith they put in me lightly; I wanted to make sure that I did the best that I could.
  • High school was really good for me in multiple ways. I was able to solidify my position as an honors student, and I took up multiple sports that are near and dear to my heart, such as golf, academic quiz team, and tennis. The events that took place from the second o the fifth grade still made me doubt myself. Many of Erikson's stages that should result in a child gaining confidence failed during this time. Covid also happened during this time which was one of the most challenging periods of my life.
  • Despite the challenges of my childhood and covid, I got into one of the best colleges in the country. One of the biggest challenges of this period has been being away from home and making friends. It's been challenging to make friends like I had in previous stages of my life. It is getting better, though. I have recently made some pretty good friends that I see from time to time.
  • A lot has happened to me in the last 20 years, more than I can possibly include in this project. I tried to put so of the most significant events that have played a role in shaping the person that I aam today. I hope that he next 20 years bring me the same opportunities to learn and get better
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