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  • Hi Camilo, how are you today?
  • Oh great, that's sound interesting.
  • I'm great, Jhon I was reading something about Professional Conduct and I would like to share some tips with you.
  • No I don't know it, but I think it would be important because you need to communicate inside of the company
  • That topic is so interesting, so Do yo know what are the communication styles?
  • Yes, that's the way for communicating correctly and that you make understand for the people.
  • So for example Do you know communication Skills are so important for a company?
  • Oh I got it, so for this reason good communication means being aware of the different communication styles
  • Sure, so non-verbal communication accounts for more than 55%of the impact you make
  • Yes, that's correct another important thing to have in mind is using the body language, would you like to talk about that?
  • Sure, there are 4 types of communication styles those are: Expresser, Driver, Supporter and Analyst and they have different characteristics.
  • Correct, for example you should show respect to the people, be on time, etc. Those factor help to create a good image in a company.
  • Completely agree with you so for this reason is important to use the correct movements and posture, gestures and eye contact so it'll help to transmit a great message
  • Another factor is your professional image, that's an important factor because you should create this image to the rest of the people.
  • Body language is so important because you can express different emotions and the people can interpret it in different way according with your movements
  • That's correct additionally you should use the correct clothe for a meeting or important dates.
  • Yeah, you must select the correct clothes, make up, so the idea is you feel comfortable with the clothes you are using and that you look professional.
  • All those factors are important when we are working in a company, because you can make understand for the all people following those important tips.
  • Absolutely this is an important thing to have in mind because is the first impression you will create for the people.
  • Thank you Camilo, that was an amazing conversation and I will have those tips in mind
  • Thanks to you Jhon, so that topic is so useful in all environments of our lives.
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