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Inequality Storyboard

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Inequality Storyboard
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  • I don't understand why our teacher's making us write about racism and inequality and stuff. I mean, that stuff happened a long time ago and there aren't really any laws that make people unequal today so why are we still learning about it?
  • Well, that "stuff" didn't actually happen that long ago, and is still happening to this day. We have been fighting for human rights for hundreds and hundreds of years, so we need to learn about our history so that we know how the events that occurred years ago still affect us today so that we can fix them.
  • Who and what exactly have we been fighting for? And like I said, that stuff already happened so how do those events still impact us today and what relevance does it have today?
  • Well, the fight for justice an equal rights can be traced all the way back to the American Revolution, when the thirteen Colonies wanted to gain independence from Great Britain.
  • A man named Thomas Jefferson wrote a document to called the Declaration of Independence. He wrote it to explain to the colonist why they should revolt against Great Britain.
  • To prove the legitimacy of his cause, he had to properly convey his point to the colonists. He did this by attempting to appeal to the reader's emotions. He wanted to spark emotion with the reader so that they would join his cause.
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