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Empathy Project

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Empathy Project
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Later, Timmy's brother, John, walked into the room. He say Timmy crying and then Timmy explained about the bullying problem. He said, "I know what it's like to be there."
  • John explained that he had been bullied when he was younger too, and told him that he should have told someone earlier. John also said that when he was getting bullied, he just ignored them, and they eventually stopped. He also said that bullies bully because they have a lot going on, and it helped to talk to them about what they were feeling.
  • What John did is an example of empathy. Empathy, unlike sympathy, is understanding what the other person is going through, and relating to it. Showing empathy is better than showing sympathy because when you show sympathy, you are just silver-lining the problem or thinking of dumb ways to make the person feel better, which doesn't work. Empathy works better than sympathy because the people you are feeling sympathetic toward won't feel any better, and in most cases, they will feel worse. Being empathetic means relating to the other person on a deeper level than sympathy.
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