Create your own at Storyboard ThatFLORID TALLOW DISCONSOLATE GALLOWS (adj.) reddish; ruddy; rosy The farmer's ruddy complexion came from years of labor in the wind, rain, and sun. (n.) a fatty, wax-like animal substance used to make candles The man's tallow-colored face looked like it had never seen the sun. (adj.) hopelessly unhappy; inconsolable Samantha was utterly disconsolate after her beloved dog passed away. (n.) a wooden frame on which condemned people are executed by hanging The hungry boy refused to turn to crime for fear of the gallows. JOHNNY TREMAIN VOCABULARY
Create your own at Storyboard ThatFLORID TALLOW DISCONSOLATE GALLOWS (adj.) reddish; ruddy; rosy The farmer's ruddy complexion came from years of labor in the wind, rain, and sun. (n.) a fatty, wax-like animal substance used to make candles The man's tallow-colored face looked like it had never seen the sun. (adj.) hopelessly unhappy; inconsolable Samantha was utterly disconsolate after her beloved dog passed away. (n.) a wooden frame on which condemned people are executed by hanging The hungry boy refused to turn to crime for fear of the gallows. JOHNNY TREMAIN VOCABULARY
Create your own at Storyboard ThatFLORID TALLOW DISCONSOLATE GALLOWS (adj.) reddish; ruddy; rosy The farmer's ruddy complexion came from years of labor in the wind, rain, and sun. (n.) a fatty, wax-like animal substance used to make candles The man's tallow-colored face looked like it had never seen the sun. (adj.) hopelessly unhappy; inconsolable Samantha was utterly disconsolate after her beloved dog passed away. (n.) a wooden frame on which condemned people are executed by hanging The hungry boy refused to turn to crime for fear of the gallows. JOHNNY TREMAIN VOCABULARY
Create your own at Storyboard ThatFLORID TALLOW DISCONSOLATE GALLOWS (adj.) reddish; ruddy; rosy The farmer's ruddy complexion came from years of labor in the wind, rain, and sun. (n.) a fatty, wax-like animal substance used to make candles The man's tallow-colored face looked like it had never seen the sun. (adj.) hopelessly unhappy; inconsolable Samantha was utterly disconsolate after her beloved dog passed away. (n.) a wooden frame on which condemned people are executed by hanging The hungry boy refused to turn to crime for fear of the gallows. JOHNNY TREMAIN VOCABULARY
Create your own at Storyboard ThatFLORID TALLOW DISCONSOLATE GALLOWS (adj.) reddish; ruddy; rosy The farmer's ruddy complexion came from years of labor in the wind, rain, and sun. (n.) a fatty, wax-like animal substance used to make candles The man's tallow-colored face looked like it had never seen the sun. (adj.) hopelessly unhappy; inconsolable Samantha was utterly disconsolate after her beloved dog passed away. (n.) a wooden frame on which condemned people are executed by hanging The hungry boy refused to turn to crime for fear of the gallows. JOHNNY TREMAIN VOCABULARY
Create your own at Storyboard ThatFLORID TALLOW DISCONSOLATE GALLOWS (adj.) reddish; ruddy; rosy The farmer's ruddy complexion came from years of labor in the wind, rain, and sun. (n.) a fatty, wax-like animal substance used to make candles The man's tallow-colored face looked like it had never seen the sun. (adj.) hopelessly unhappy; inconsolable Samantha was utterly disconsolate after her beloved dog passed away. (n.) a wooden frame on which condemned people are executed by hanging The hungry boy refused to turn to crime for fear of the gallows. JOHNNY TREMAIN VOCABULARY