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Storyboard Descripción

Tame and Wild animals

Texto del Guión Gráfico

  •  Situation: On Sunday, The Delice family is at the Zoo.
  • Hello!
  • Thank you. Let me introduce my family, this is my wife, and this is my daughter her name is Charlotte.
  • Hi Ms. Leylin!
  • Welcome to the Bali zoo. My name is Leylin, and I will guide you and give information about the animals here. 
  • Situation: They walked to the deer park.
  • How many deer are here?
  • Lion’s den
  • There are 50 deer here. Deer are herbivores.
  • This place is a deer park. The concept of Deer Park is adopted from theNaray Zoo in Japan.
  • Situation: They walked and talked near the lion’s den.
  • What kind of lion is here?
  • It is African lion.
  • On the right, is the lion's den.
  • Yes, it is. Lions are carnivores. Their habitat is on the African continent.
  • Situation: They walked and talked near the lion cage.
  • The number of Sumatran Tiger in their habitat is less than 400 and are threatened with extinction.
  • There are about 2,100 Bengal tigers in the habitat.
  • Is it a tiger?
  • Yes, it is. In this ZOO there are 5 Sumatran tigers and 13 Bengal tigers. They are carnivores.
  • Situation: They walked and talked near the wildboar cage. They were very close to the peacock.
  • Wow, there are Wildboar here too.
  • Wildboar are omnivorous animals they eat plants and animals such asworms, insects, etc
  • Eww, I don't like wildboar. I like this peacocks.
  • Ding dong you were right Ms. This type of peacock is the green peacock (Pavo muticus)
  • Situation: They walked and talked near the munjact and gembrong goat cage.
  • There is goat too. 
  • What kind of goat and dear is it?
  • On the right is Muntjac and goat. Muntjac also known as barking deer or rib-faced deer are small deer native to south and southeast Asia. That goats is a type of Gembrong goat native to Bali.
  • Muntjac
  • Gembrong Goat
  • The goat fur is long or dense with a predominantly white color.
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