physical characteristics: “not too fat” of a man with bare, simple garments and a sober stare. He had a rather skinny horse and a collection of philosophy books.
Job Description- middle classclerics would educate others in the faith and religion and were responsible for praying. Only baptized Christians could attend Oxford. Clerics were supposed to be pure and honest, set an example.
Saint or Sinner? neutral, as he seems to have strayed somewhat from the church’s ways and acts with some greed, but has done nothing actively bad.
Oxford Cleric:
Satire used:incongruity is being used in showing a cleric with no position in the church who acts in greed.
Personality/values & motivation: direct: only says what is neededCurious: spends any money on learningPossibly greedy: he seems to be seeking the stone for making gold and is depicted as overweight.Searching for enlightenment: taking deep study in philosophy