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early humans

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early humans
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  • OH NO I'M GONNA FALL!!*hits head*
  • Sure of coarse, Well early humans were people but they didn't quit look like we do now. They were the first kinds of humans.
  • Hello! look what i found, a bone from the early humans!
  • Wow that's so cool! do you mind if I ask you some questions about early humans?Well who were the early humans?
  • How were archaeologist able to identify each species of early humans?
  • Why do you think some people believe in evolution and some don't?
  • They were able to identify them by various sized skulls, smaller jaws and a bigger head, different teeth padern, and diagonal heads!
  • What were some accomplishments from the early humans? But wow that's amazing
  • some accomplishments from the early humans are spoken language, traveling to Africa, making tools, hunting large animals, and building fires!
  • When and where was the first early human remains, oh also who found the remains?
  • The first remains were found in 1891 in Asia by Eugene Dubois.
  • One reason I think people don't believe in evolution is because early humans were shaped differently then we are now and might not thing that was ever a thing.
  • I think some people believe in evolution because scientist have proof that something like early humans once lived and roamed on earth.
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