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Touching Spirit Bear

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Touching Spirit Bear
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Man vs Nature (External)
  • Man vs Man (External)
  • Man vs Self (Internal)
  • The bear dropped him to the ground and pawed athis chest as if raking leaves. Sharp claws rippedflesh with each swipe. Cole raised his right arm toward off the attack, and teeth clamped onto hisforearm(Mikaelsen 84).
  • 'Or you‟ll what?' Cole taunted. 'Beat me?'Cole‟s father jumped to his feet. “I don‟t beat you, and you know that.” His face flushed red (Mikaelsen 55).
  • His wild laughter mocked the world and everyone he had ever known. It mocked the loneliness. It mocked every bully that had ever picked on him. He laughed at every time he had ever been teased, every time he‟d been arrested, every time his parents had argued (Mikaelsen 34).
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