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Laptop contract

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Laptop contract
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Offer: a proposal made by a party to another party; a willingness to enter a contract
  • You know what? Since I just got a desktop I'm going to sell my laptop for $275. Would like to buy it?
  • Acceptance:the agreement of the offeree to be bound by the terms of the offer
  • Yeah I do!
  • Genuine Agreement: offer and acceptance go together to create genuine agreemnt,or a meeting of the minds
  • Perfect! Do you want to buy it right now?
  • Capacity: the legal ability to enter a contract
  • Yes! Since we are both college students, I can legally buy it.
  • Consideration: the exchange of things of value(both parties need to promise something)
  • Here's the $275
  • And here's the laptop
  • Legality: parties are not allowed to enforce contract that involve illegal acts
  • See you later! Thank you!
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