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Job Interview

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Job Interview
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  • Please God, I really want to get this job, it would help me be part of this society again
  • Welcome!! Pleasebring your documents up to me
  • I'm so excited for this interview!Hopefully we both get the job!
  • ... I do
  • To start off...do either of you have criminal records? Haha, I'm sure not, but it is a formality!
  • Haha right, I do not
  • I was so young and wasn't in the right state of mind when I got arrested. I really need this job to be accepted into this world again, please give me a chance
  • You do? Please leave right away, I don't want an ex-convict working for my company
  • But...But...
  • We don't hire criminals. THERE'S THE DOOR!
  • I want respectable and responsible people working for me. I will never hire someone like him. Now you, leave right now or I'll call security
  • I don't mean to speak out of line, but I don't see the problem with him having a criminal record. He did his time and he shouldn't be treated like this. Everyone should be entitled to an equal opportunity at this job!
  • I'm going to call your boss,I should not be disrespected like this.
  • Ok he's gone now... now where were we?
  • This is so unfair.
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