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Religion Creation Story Comic

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Religion Creation Story Comic
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • This place shall be called the Earth, and it will bear life of all kinds.
  • What beautiful light! This is going to get tiring after a while. I will keep this light...
  • But also keep the dark. I will switch the earth from light to dark to mark each day!
  • Too bright
  • Now this is perfect!
  • Ah! That's definitely not right.
  • In the beginning, before the world existed, God was all alone in the world with nothing but darkness surrounding Him. God, who had gotten tired of the colour black, decided that he wanted to create something else to fill this void. As such, God created the heavens, a place full of happiness, and Earth, which at the time was only a dark ball of water.
  • Since I am making creatures of all types and not all of them will swim, they will need a place to rest. I shall create the land, and make it firm so that the animals and plants can grow and live on it.
  • God was pleased with His new creations, but the world was still dark. He decided to change the darkness to its opposite, and so the sky was filled with bright light, with which God was pleased. After swimming in the waters of the Earth for some time, God's eyes had become tired from the light. God decided to keep the light but also bring back the darkness, and He separated the two. He decided to name the darkness and light. He came up with the names night and day, and realized that night rhymed with light. As pairing these two would be too logical, and He called the darkness “night” and the light “day”. He switched the sky from night to day and day to night, and He decided that this would be called a day.
  • These stars, moon, and sun will make my job a lot easier! Tomorrow I can get to work on creating the animals of the Earth!
  • On the second day, as He changed the sky from darkness to light, He thought about how much He liked the contrast of night and day and wanted more colours to fill the Earth. He wanted to add another layer on top of the waters and fill it with a colour. He started off with yellow, but decided it was too bright. Next He tried red but found it too unsettling. Finally, He tried blue and found it very peaceful, and called this layer the sky. He separated the waters from the sky, and made the waters a dark shade of blue and the skies a light shade, and liked how they complimented each other. As He changed the light to darkness and the blue sky turned black, the world entered into night.
  • Whee! This is fun! The Earth is almost complete, and all the birds and fish are living happily
  • The next day, as God was admiring the Earth and the blue skies and waters, He thought it was a shame that He was alone to enjoy His creations. He wanted to create living creatures to roam the Earth - ones that could walk, or swim in the waters, or fly up in the sky. He wanted to make the Earth more suitable for them, so He decided first to create something more firm to go in between the waters. He created soil, and packed layers and layers of soil on top of each other to separate it from the water so it would support the future creatures. He covered the soil with green blades which He called grass, and made vegetation of all kinds - tall, strong, colourful, leafy, bushy, and every plant He could imagine.
  • By the fourth day, God was tired of having to change the sky from light to dark all the time, and wanted to create something to do this for Him. God created a giant yellow ball of fire, which He called the sun, and sent it far out in the sky to shine light on the Earth. With a big flick, He sent the Earth spinning in place so that each area of the Earth would receive light from the sun and be in darkness when facing away. When God went to check on the other side of the Earth, it was so dark that He couldn't see the land. He created a giant and shiny ball of rock, called it the moon, and placed it in the sky so that it reflected some light from the sun. He made thousands of more suns and sent them so far out in the sky that they became little dots of light. He named them stars and arranged them to form pictures of the creatures He was going to create.
  • On the fifth day, God brought life to the oceans by creating the creatures of the sea. He started off with small ones, making them bigger and more unique as He went. As He brought each one to life, He made each one unique with different fins and flares, and coloured each one with bright colours. Soon the oceans were filled with the vibrant colours of the fish swimming, but the skies were still bare. He created birds of all types, starting off small and ending with huge colourful ones that soared across the sky. To connect the birds and fish, He created one special bird that was a hybrid between the birds and the fish. It was black and white but although it had wings, it swam in the oceans instead of flying.
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