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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • I love being the queen! Hopfully this is my life forever. I love you darling.
  • Its a big responsibility. But I think you are worthy of being the queen. I love you too.
  • This is a lovley walk! I love seeing nature.
  • eheheheh I really want to marry the king. She always gets everything.
  • Hello there Cinerella, You have everything don't you? I fell in love with the king and you took everything away from me, I stole the fairy godmothers wand and I will cast a spell on you. The king won't know who you are, all your lovely things will go and you will work at my house as a maid. This is what you derserve.
  • What?! I need to get to the king fast! Will I get there in time?
  • Why do we have tails?
  • Oh no! I think I'm almost too late!
  • Something feels funny in my body. WHY DO I HAVE FEATHERS
  • POOF
  • My evil step sister ruined everything. Now my carridge and servants are gone, My beautiful dress turned into rags and I have no crown.
  • Yes finally, you have nothing and I will soon marry the king and have more than you.
  • I miss the King.
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