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  • London Parliament - 1776
  • The Wealth of NationsBy: Adam Smith
  • Capitalism is the one true economic way for the world.
  • North German Confederate - 1867
  • Communism is the true superior Economic system for the World. Capitalism sucks. EAT THE RICH.
  • DasKapitalBy: Karl Marx
  • Wizard
  • In the March of 1776, Adam Smith, a Scottish Economist published the book The Wealth of Nations. Smith is regarded as the Father of the Capitalism. Key points of Smith's Capitalism include Free market economy, so private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. People would work hard to make themselves richer and join the privileged life.
  • The Debate Begins
  • Taxation should be based on one's personal position. They should be fair enough that a man can still support his personal and family needs.
  • In the September of 1867, Karl Marx, a German philosopher published the book Das Kapital. Marx is the Father of the Communism. Key points of Marx's Communism include public ownership of property, the removal or execution of the rich, and all work and money would go to the development of the State and society. He said there should be a dictatorship in the beginning to establish this but once everyone saw how good Communism was, they would just accept it, and eventually, the dictatorship government could be dissolved, in theory.
  • Things start to Heat Up
  • You old fool! The Capitalist scum should pay the workers more and higher taxes in order to support the hard working people.
  • A wizard from the Future called Alatar uses magic to transport Smith and Marx through Time and Space, as the wizard wonders how these 'Fathers' of the most debated economic systems would argue on the topic of "Increasing taxes for all citizens to increase public services". - Through magic, both philosophers have knowledge about each other so that the debate can start without boring introductions.
  • The End
  • Time for some Capital Punishment
  • Adam Smith believed that taxation should be fair, convenient and efficient. In general he supported low taxes for all people, rich or poor, as the point was to become rich through the capitalist system. He also supported less government and public services, he stated that Government administer justice, protect rights, provide education, and protect the nation. So he won't support increasing taxes for public services.
  • Karl Marx believe that the government should have lots of power in order to establish the Communist system. He wanted to end the market system as he believed it was oppressive towards the working class and only benefited the owners and rules. He believed that a person's purpose should be to work for the state and improve society. He would support high taxation in order to fund a great amount of public service.
  • Well this spun out of control! Hope you learned about Marx and Smiths opinions on increased taxation for public services.
  • DIE YOU RICH B#$%&#D
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