اطلب من الطلاب توضيح حقائق مختلفة عن المسيحية في خريطة عنكبوتية للمساعدة في تتبع المعتقدات والمؤسسين والتاريخ والمزيد.
Texto del Guión Gráfico
Holy Bible
Over 2.4 Billion Followers
Jerusalem, Israel
~ 0 م
North and South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia
There are over 2.4 billion Christians worldwide making it the largest religion in the world. Christians can be found on every continent. While there are many different sects of Christianity, they are generally broken into three groups: Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox.
يسوع المسيح ولد في بيت لحم، وعاش في الناصرة، وتوفي في القدس في ما هو اليوم إسرائيل وفلسطين. هذه هي أقدس المدن بالنسبة للمسيحيين. روما مهمة أيضًا للكاثوليك لأن البابا يقيم في مدينة الفاتيكان. نشر أتباع يسوع تعاليمه خارج إسرائيل في جميع أنحاء الشرق الأوسط وأوروبا والعالم.
Historians believe Jesus was born around 0 CE and died around 30 CE. After his death, his followers continued to spread his message. The New Testament in the Bible, which is filled with gospels about Jesus' life and teachings, was written around 65-100 CE.
Priests or ministers are spiritual leaders in Christianity. There are many different sects of Christianity and different hierarchies. In the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, only men can be priests and women can be nuns. In Protestant churches, women can serve as priests or ministers. The Pope is the head of the Catholic Church.
دور العبادة
حقائق عن المسيحية
Belief in one God, who created the world.Belief that Jesus Christ was the son of God and the Messiah who sacrificed himself for the salvation of humanity.Belief that Jesus Christ was resurrected and ascended into Heaven where he resides with God, the father. Belief in the teachings of Jesus such as: the importance of repentance for one's sins, forgiveness, loving thy neighbor and doing unto others what you would have done to you.
ولد يسوع الناصري حوالي سنة 0 م في بيت لحم لمريم ويوسف ونشأ يهوديًا. علّم يسوع أتباعه أهمية الغفران والمحبة. لقد بشر أن يتوب المرء عن خطاياهم. في حوالي 33 سنة صلب يسوع على يد الرومان. يقال أنه قام وصعد إلى السماء. استمر تلاميذه في الوعظ عن تعاليمه وانتشرت المسيحية في جميع أنحاء العالم.
Christians worship in churches. The inside is often built in the shape of a cross, with rows of pews along a center aisle and an alter on a raised platform. Services are usually held on Sundays and include praising God in music, scripture readings, prayers, a sermon, and ceremonies such as communion which is eating bread and wine to symbolize the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
The cross is the universal symbol of Christianity for how Jesus sacrificed himself for mankind by suffering and dying on the cross for the salvation of humanity. The fish and the dove of peace are also common symbols. The sacred text is the Bible. Christians often use rosaries for prayer. Services include Holy Communion, or the Eucharist, which is bread and wine.
المسيحية التوحيدية. يعتقد المسيحيون أن الله خلق السماء والأرض. أرسل الله ابنه يسوع ليخلص العالم. يؤمن المسيحيون بميلاد يسوع المسيح وحياته وموته وقيامته من أجل مغفرة خطايا البشرية والخلاص للجميع. تركز تعاليم يسوع على محبة الله وعبادته ، والتوبة عن خطايا الإنسان ، والرحمة ، والمغفرة ، واللطف للجميع.