secondary succession begins by animals and the wildlife starting off in there natural woodlands they feed and drink here there food sources could consist on each other and grass and flowers and shrubs
stage 3
the natural disaster occurs and scares all the wildlife away and starts to burn down the forest trees and the shrubs and can kill or hurt the animals
stage 4
after forest fire or natural disaster the fire destroys all the biotic factors that were in the community and wind and rain blows seeds into the ground
new climax community
the pioneer species start to grow and the meadow starts to populate and there are zero to no wildlife in this stage
after the pioneer species start to go away and little species start to come back to come back to existence in this ecosystem they are starting a new climax community
eventually a new climax community starts and all the original animals and plants start to grow back to their original ecosystem that is how all this keeps going on in a loop