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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • We recommend to all public schools that they start each day with a prayer
  • Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parent , out teachers ,and out Country
  • That goes against their first amendment rights
  • The school can not make it's student recite a prayer each day. It violates our first amendment rights which was made applicable by the 14th amendment
  • Today we will discuss the case of Engel V. Vital. First we will start with each of your all's oral arguments.
  • Judge I am Dr. Foley I am the amicus curiae. Today this case is brought to you because Mr.Engel claims that the school have their student recite a prayer each day violates the students first amendment rights.
  • Mr. Engel we give the student the option to not recite the prayer if they do not want to, or they can leave the room if needed.
  • The supreme court received the Writ of Certiorari. After reviewing the summary and both the Dissenting Opinion and the Concurring opinion. The opinion of the court is set. Since the official prayer violates the establishment clause and breaks the wall between church and state the court's decision is 6-1 for Engel.
  • This Is a landmark case becuase this case has affected the way we do things today. Now no public school is allowed to have official school prayers.
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