Oh boy new house whoo. Government stuff can't wait to farm. I love taking native land
Wait I'm a native and you are taking my land. What will I do now. I am wearing this space suit because I couldn't find any native american clothes (characters)
we need to move them to one area so we can keep track of land and not have to worry about land we take from them. I have an idea
yeah we weren't asking. Move or be annihilated
Alright man so maybe we were jerks right? So we will give you leftover land just to make you feel better
At a different tribe
A little later
This is like the worst land
You're an idiot
Our new home that the government let us choose to get!!! I'm so excited
Over in government things
Oh my we must do nothing quickly!
Hey sir some of the people are unhappy with us moving them to the worst and leftover places
Oh and I'm speaking of the natives good sir
Boy this land is great but I am not producing enough for the bank's pleasure and prices are just too high
Back with the homesteader
Dangit! Populism is great
Aha! I'm with the government and I'm a banker. I'm taking your house because you can't do good enough. Take the L Fortnite dab
Yay my homestead act stuff succeeded and I'm doing well now because I got lucky but I'm still a bit poor