You can also make small regular savings as contribution over a few months to the self help group
My crops were ruined by the pests and now I have nothing to sell nor I have no option to take a loan from the bank because the rate of interest is high
I need money to pay my workers as well as for pesticides used for the crops which I usually get while selling them but in this case I have nothing
Self Help Groups are groups of 10-20 people in a locality formed for any social or economic purpose. Most of the SHGs are formed for the purpose of better financial security among its members
We offer collateral-free loans to sections of people that generally find it hard to get loans from banks.
We also play a great role in empowering women because SHGs help women from economically weaker sections build social capital
Join self help groups !
Do not worry vinitha. Come and join our woman self help group there we will lend you a loan and help you start over