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  • Hey! You owe me money for over two years. It's 10,000 pesos, and if you don't pay, I'll put you in jail! Do you get what I'm saying?!
  • Yes, Ma'am, I understand. I pledge to repay you, but not right now.
  • Again?! You won't pay for it? Do you understand that my money isn't free? I'm calling the cops right now. I'm not going to listen to any of your excuses this time.
  • Ma'am, please do understand me. I am poor, and I don't use your money on nonsense things. I use it to enroll my daughter in a college. Ma'am, please don't send me to jail. I'm begging you.
  • Thank you for coming, officer, and please take this woman in front of us. She has owed me about 10,000 pesos for nearly two years. I commanded you to take this woman right away!
  • With all due respect, Madam. This woman in front of us will not go to imprisonment. She has a right under Section 20, which states that no one shall be imprisoned for debt or nonpayment of a poll tax. The government has made this right official so that we can all have equality.
  • What?! So, this woman will no longer pay the money I gave to her?! I also needed that money, officer!
  • Yes, officer, such an arrangement is acceptable to me. From now on, I will do my best to pay you, Madam. I apologize for not paying you right away.
  • No, Madam, that is not what I mean. If you agree, we may make an agreement for both of you. Is it okay if you pay this madam at the end of each month, woman?
  • Okay, I agree with that arrangement as well. Just make sure that you keep your promise this time. I accept your apology and thank you as well, officer.
  • Madam, thank you so much. Also, thank you, officer; this right is quite valuable. I'll make sure I don't abuse this privilege. I will use it correctly, and I will be aware of the obligations that come with it..
  • Section 20 of the Bill of Rights is crucial in our lives as Filipino citizens. It provides us hope, insight, and realizations about the Philippines' hidden rights. This right influenced and impacted both of you today, didn't it? We must value this right by not abusing it.
  • Yes, I am pleased since the government grants this kind of right to individuals who are unable to pay their debts immediately. Even though we have rights that protect us, we have to comprehend the responsibilities that go along with those rights. For instance, we must ensure that we did not abuse this right. We also make sure that we use it properly and understand its significance. Lastly, this right should be valued so that equality will exist in our society forever.
  • Yes, officer, you are correct. Today, I understood that we should not simply send someone who owes us money to jail. We must understand that they, too, have rights that protect them. Also, Section 20 of the Bill of Rights reminds us to not underestimate people just by their status. We must be aware of their rights, as well as our own, and consider other solutions to the issue.
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