This comic will be about a men who became a succesfull person and he count us the steps so we can follow him.
Texto del Guión Gráfico
The First Day
I will like to make a videogames company,were people can create their own videogames and sell the on my app.
Hy i am searching for a local were i can rent it for opening my own shop, can you help me?
On the Afternoon
Hy men, what are you searching for?
The Same day
Ohh men i like it i think is perfect for what i want, we just need to change some thigs
Well men we have this local were you can be veryconftable and i think is perfect for what you want
The first step you need to do is think on an idea, like proyect,bussines,company,etc.Try to think with all your imagination what you can do to have a succesfull business company.
1 month later
The second step is searching for a local on rent were you can start your shop.
2 years later
And like that you can be a succesfull person, knwoadays i hav e a successfull company and i am very proud of it
The third step is finding your dreams local were you can feel confable with your work and somewere were you think it can be an exellent plase and you dont feel any preasure, instead you feel happy.
Some years ago
Know i give some curses of how to be a succesfull person but know you know it
The fourth step is try to make flow your company and be secure on what you want for a future
The fifth step is see how your work yielded fruits.