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English project

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English project
Storyboard That

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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • The forest insisted upon having five perfect sacrifices. From the five different villages, and this is the story of the sacrifice from rosewood village
  • As I walked towards the gate they all sang the same ominous songGoodbye and may you save our souls for you are the best we can give Good bye our darling hyacinth
  •  The reason that they all mush leave is for their ancestors were too greedy and took even when they did not need.So the forest spirits insisted that 5 children must leave there home and go to the forest
  • The group has been together a mere 3 days.Living together hunting and eating together.They are with each other at all hours of the day and tensions are quickly rising .
  • When Hyacinth later returned with water, she could not find the group she searched all over but she could not find them.Little did she know that she would never see them again
  • All on her own hyacinth only survives a couple of days but all through out the five villages they all have story's about how she survived on even how she really died.But no one really knows how she died.
  • Only one village was know to not care about what happened to her and that was her own home village they just reveled in the money they received for her surviving the longest and kept taking much more then they needed
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