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Difference of Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
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Hello, I'm Alfred and I reproduce asexually.
Hi, i'm Freddie and I reproduce sexually.
As an asexual, my offspring will be identical and guaranteed to look exactly like me.
As an sexual reproducing animal, my offspring will carry half of the trait of the mother and half of the trait of the father.
I'm able to reproduce in large amounts, due to being asexual.
But there are more genetic variation with animals that have been reproduce sexually though.
And because I reproduce asexually, the rate of reproduction is faster,but the organism is less developed.
All of the animals that reproduce sexually is more dveloped, but the rate of reproduction is slower.
Well, even though there are a lot of differences, there are similarities too.
I agree Alfred, it was nice talking to you. Thank you for teaching me the differences between the two.
No problem Freddie. It was fun learning about the differences of sexual and asexual reproduction.
See you later Alred.
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