-Camera swings to the left and zooms in on a second Rebel that has been hit by a blaster shot (Curved Arrow)-The Rebel's helmet flies up after being hit (Solid Arrow)-The Rebel falls to the ground after being hit (Solid Arrow)-The Rebel soldiers in the background can be seen firing back-1 second
-The Commander in the back slams on the door and calls out for help-A red glow can be seen behind him-The Rebels continue to fire at the threat-Camera switches to the back POV-2.5 seconds
-Camera switches back to Darth Vader-Darth Vader be seen blocking shots and walking forwards-3 seconds
-Darth Vader crushes a Rebel soldier's neck and lifts him up to the roof-Rebels in the back can be seen terrified-2.5 seconds
-The Commander can be seen calling out to his friend on the other side of the door-2 seconds
-The Commander can be seen trying to open the door-He fails and falls to the ground-His friend witness the entire thing as the red glow slowly approaches