unpopularity of charles I
civil war
overthrow of Charles I
glorious revolution
english bill of rights
He raised revenue by non-parliament means so it made him very unpoplar.
the civil war was fought between those loyal to Charles I and those loyal to the parliament because of disagreements of religion
Charels I was forced to attend court that was ruled by his enemies and he was sentenced to death
the restoriation of the stuarart monarchy is when king Charles II return from being exiled from Europe. and he tried to push his ideas on the people
the glorious revolution is when William Of Orange took the throne away from James II in 1688
the english bill of rights basically created a consitutional monarchy and it also gave the parlement more power and the people were given individual rights the parlement were also given freedom of speech.
he sucks as a king raisng all these revenues
hes not my king
execute him!!!!!
i have successfully taken the throne I William of Orange am now king!!
of rights
I william III will sign the english bill of rightd\s
i have returned from being exiled and i will resotre the stuart moarchy BLah blah blah
what are you talking about man??
unpopularity of charles I
civil war
overthrow of Charles I
glorious revolution
english bill of rights
He raised revenue by non-parliament means so it made him very unpoplar.
the civil war was fought between those loyal to Charles I and those loyal to the parliament because of disagreements of religion
Charels I was forced to attend court that was ruled by his enemies and he was sentenced to death
the restoriation of the stuarart monarchy is when king Charles II return from being exiled from Europe. and he tried to push his ideas on the people
the glorious revolution is when William Of Orange took the throne away from James II in 1688
the english bill of rights basically created a consitutional monarchy and it also gave the parlement more power and the people were given individual rights the parlement were also given freedom of speech.
he sucks as a king raisng all these revenues
hes not my king
execute him!!!!!
i have successfully taken the throne I William of Orange am now king!!
of rights
I william III will sign the english bill of rightd\s
i have returned from being exiled and i will resotre the stuart moarchy BLah blah blah
what are you talking about man??
unpopularity of charles I
civil war
overthrow of Charles I
glorious revolution
english bill of rights
He raised revenue by non-parliament means so it made him very unpoplar.
the civil war was fought between those loyal to Charles I and those loyal to the parliament because of disagreements of religion
Charels I was forced to attend court that was ruled by his enemies and he was sentenced to death
the restoriation of the stuarart monarchy is when king Charles II return from being exiled from Europe. and he tried to push his ideas on the people
the glorious revolution is when William Of Orange took the throne away from James II in 1688
the english bill of rights basically created a consitutional monarchy and it also gave the parlement more power and the people were given individual rights the parlement were also given freedom of speech.
he sucks as a king raisng all these revenues
hes not my king
execute him!!!!!
i have successfully taken the throne I William of Orange am now king!!
of rights
I william III will sign the english bill of rightd\s
i have returned from being exiled and i will resotre the stuart moarchy BLah blah blah
what are you talking about man??
unpopularity of charles I
civil war
overthrow of Charles I
glorious revolution
english bill of rights
He raised revenue by non-parliament means so it made him very unpoplar.
the civil war was fought between those loyal to Charles I and those loyal to the parliament because of disagreements of religion
Charels I was forced to attend court that was ruled by his enemies and he was sentenced to death
the restoriation of the stuarart monarchy is when king Charles II return from being exiled from Europe. and he tried to push his ideas on the people
the glorious revolution is when William Of Orange took the throne away from James II in 1688
the english bill of rights basically created a consitutional monarchy and it also gave the parlement more power and the people were given individual rights the parlement were also given freedom of speech.
he sucks as a king raisng all these revenues
hes not my king
execute him!!!!!
i have successfully taken the throne I William of Orange am now king!!
of rights
I william III will sign the english bill of rightd\s
i have returned from being exiled and i will resotre the stuart moarchy BLah blah blah
what are you talking about man??
unpopularity of charles I
civil war
overthrow of Charles I
glorious revolution
english bill of rights
He raised revenue by non-parliament means so it made him very unpoplar.
the civil war was fought between those loyal to Charles I and those loyal to the parliament because of disagreements of religion
Charels I was forced to attend court that was ruled by his enemies and he was sentenced to death
the restoriation of the stuarart monarchy is when king Charles II return from being exiled from Europe. and he tried to push his ideas on the people
the glorious revolution is when William Of Orange took the throne away from James II in 1688
the english bill of rights basically created a consitutional monarchy and it also gave the parlement more power and the people were given individual rights the parlement were also given freedom of speech.
he sucks as a king raisng all these revenues
hes not my king
execute him!!!!!
i have successfully taken the throne I William of Orange am now king!!
of rights
I william III will sign the english bill of rightd\s
i have returned from being exiled and i will resotre the stuart moarchy BLah blah blah
what are you talking about man??
unpopularity of charles I
civil war
overthrow of Charles I
glorious revolution
english bill of rights
He raised revenue by non-parliament means so it made him very unpoplar.
the civil war was fought between those loyal to Charles I and those loyal to the parliament because of disagreements of religion
Charels I was forced to attend court that was ruled by his enemies and he was sentenced to death
the restoriation of the stuarart monarchy is when king Charles II return from being exiled from Europe. and he tried to push his ideas on the people
the glorious revolution is when William Of Orange took the throne away from James II in 1688
the english bill of rights basically created a consitutional monarchy and it also gave the parlement more power and the people were given individual rights the parlement were also given freedom of speech.
he sucks as a king raisng all these revenues
hes not my king
execute him!!!!!
i have successfully taken the throne I William of Orange am now king!!
of rights
I william III will sign the english bill of rightd\s
i have returned from being exiled and i will resotre the stuart moarchy BLah blah blah
what are you talking about man??
unpopularity of charles I
civil war
overthrow of Charles I
glorious revolution
english bill of rights
He raised revenue by non-parliament means so it made him very unpoplar.
the civil war was fought between those loyal to Charles I and those loyal to the parliament because of disagreements of religion
Charels I was forced to attend court that was ruled by his enemies and he was sentenced to death
the restoriation of the stuarart monarchy is when king Charles II return from being exiled from Europe. and he tried to push his ideas on the people
the glorious revolution is when William Of Orange took the throne away from James II in 1688
the english bill of rights basically created a consitutional monarchy and it also gave the parlement more power and the people were given individual rights the parlement were also given freedom of speech.
he sucks as a king raisng all these revenues
hes not my king
execute him!!!!!
i have successfully taken the throne I William of Orange am now king!!
of rights
I william III will sign the english bill of rightd\s
i have returned from being exiled and i will resotre the stuart moarchy BLah blah blah
what are you talking about man??