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  • i promis if you move to canaan it will be yours
  • ok
  • we are runing low on crops we should move to egiped
  • Stop slavery
  • make me
  • Abraham was a shepard that lived in Ur, Mesopotamia around 1700 BCE. He was the Patriarch of the Hebrew people and made a covenant with God. God promised Abraham that if he moves his people to Canaan, that it will be the Promised Land for all of the Hebrew/Jewish descendants.
  • Abraham moved his people to the promised land, or Canon. But once he got there the land was not fertile. So there crops did not grow in an abundunce, which means that they did not have a surplus of food. The only solution that they could think of was to go to Egypt. Once they got there the pharoh welcomed them.
  • Hey! Look what god gave me!
  • Once the Pharoh that welcomed Abrahom died. His son took over the position. He did not believe in the things that his father did. So he oppressed all of the Hebrews. Then Moses came along. Moses was a hero and god wanted moses to get all of the Hebrews out of slavery. The Pharaoh was very upset.
  • Moses asked Pharoh if he will let them go. The Pharoh refused him and got angry that he would ask such a thing. God sent ten plauges to Egypt. MOses told all of the Hebrews that they need to put lambs blood on the top of their doors so the angle of death would passover them. On the tenth plauge the Pharohs son died.
  • The Ten Commandment are ten laws god gave his people. Moses got ten commandment by climbing to the top of a mountain that god had told him to climb and at the top were the ten comandments. These Commandments were given to the people of Israel for a guide.
  • After Moses died his assistain became king. his assitaince name was Joshua. Joshua took the Hebrews back to Canon and Fought back his land Jericho. Then after the win the different tribes of Jacob split apart and settled in different parts of Canon.
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