SAMR ReviewWhat is an example of augmentation, modification, and redefinition?
S- Subsitute- tech that acts like the direct tool, with no functional changeA- Augmentation- tech that acts as a direct tool subsitute with functional improvementM-Modification- Tech that allows for a task edeisgnR-Redefinition- tech that allows new creations
A redefinition can be having the oppurnity to ask questionas and get valid answers.
Um Modification maybe can be giving us real life examples.
Augmentation we can start doing our own research instead of hearing boring lessons.
Deslizar: 2
Ten minute warning!
I actually understand this topic and it makes me want to teach kids this way.
Man I dont wanna go back to this lessons its so boring.
Yeah, Its very helpful and impactful.
Deslizar: 3
I actually learned in school today because my friends made me realize how much school is important. SAMR stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. It's a framework for integrating technology into teaching. Basically, it helps you understand how tech can change the way you teach or learn.