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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Hi there! My names Frank. I own this farm and we take great pride in our work. I am able to provide for my family by growing our cash crop, cotton, in our rich fertile soil.
  • We are Franks family! We all contribute around the farm, but me and my daughter mostly take care of th house and the slaves.
  • This climate is good for the crops, but not for me! These are terrible working conditions!
  • I agree. We do to much labor! It isn't fair!
  • I'm sorry sir, it's not my decision.
  • Those slaves should not be aloud here!
  • Fertile Soil (Geographic Features)
  • I'm John and I grow Tobacco. Tobacco is a cash crop so we make good money.
  • A cash crop also means high demand, so keep growing!
  • Southern Climate(Geographic Features)
  • The farm we work at is a very rich farm, making the owner very high on the social heirarchy
  • We are slaves on a farm. We are at the bottom of the scoial heirarchy
  • Arguments about slaves attending churches(Cultural/Political)
  • I own this farm but we're not doing so well. Because of how poor we are doing, we are lower on the heirarchy.
  • We can't afford slaves, so I have to help out a lot.
  • Cash Crops(Economy)
  • Slaves on the Heirarchy(Social)
  • Poor farmers on the heirarchy(Social)
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