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French Revolution project

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French Revolution project
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  • 7 years war
  • YEA !
  • WE WANT WAR !!!
  • The french create third estate (to deal with debt)
  • Tennis Court Oath 1789
  • The Seven Years' War is widely considered to be the first global conflict in history, and was a struggle for world supremacy between Great Britain and France.
  • The Legislative Assembly 1791
  •  The Third Estate, which had the most representatives, declared itself the National Assembly and took an oath to force a new constitution on the king.
  • The reign of terror 1793
  • On 20 June 1789, the members of the French Third Estate took the Tennis Court Oath in the tennis court which had been built in 1686 for the use of the Versailles palace.
  • Napoleon overthrows the directory 1799
  • In the turmoil of the revolution, the Assembly members gathered the various constitutional laws they had passed into a single constitution and submitted it to recently restored Louis XVI, who accepted it.
  • The execution of Louis XVI by guillotine, a major event of the French Revolution, took place publicly on 21 January 1793
  • The Directory formed in 1795 following the end of the National Convention and the excesses of the Reign of Terror and the Committee of Public Safety. It lasted until November of 1799 when it was overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte.
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