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contract law
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  • The contract is very straightforward. It gives my company, XYZ Inc., ownership of all your past and future recordings for the one-time pay-out of $15K
  • 10% for every album sold, and 10% of the revenue for every concert.
  • Your offer is outrageous. I've looked through your proposal and we must reject your terms. My client has a more amenable, industry acceptable counter proposal.
  • My client retains full ownership of her full catalog in perpetuity, and gives XYZ Inc. 15% for marketing and distribution, with a 5% bonus for every 100K in sales.
  • Your lawyer is ruining this deal for you, Ariella. Ms. Jones is a corporate lawyer, not an entertainment lawyer. This is the contract all our new artists sign. We're going to make you rich.
  • Don't you want to be a star, Ariella? We can take ownership of your songs now, and you'll have nothing.
  • Take our counter proposal or leave it, Tonya. It is very fair and equitable. Areilla's single is already top 10 on the LatinX charts and is climbing. We have a meeting with ABC Inc. in an hour, and they may be more reasonable.
  • I am very happy with my lawyer, Tonya. Ms. Jones was lead counsel for RB Records and she knows copyright law very well. She advised me that unless I sell you my songs you have no legal right to them. Ever.
  • It's in your email
  • Sigh. Send me a copy of the counter proposal. We accept.
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