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American Revolution PE

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American Revolution PE
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  • Proclamation of 1763
  • I was settiling on that land! I'll be damned if they try to take it away!
  • Appalachian Mountains
  • Sugar and Stamp Act
  • parliament thinks that they can do whatever they want i wont stand for it!
  • what new taxes...
  • I'm sorry Ma'am my father says that there are new taxes put in place by parliament, we cant lower the price.
  • no taxation without representation
  • No Taxation Without Representation!
  • Excellent!!
  • We need to stand up for ourselves and face parliament! Mrs. Adams has brought signs to show the Britan what we stand for!!
  • After the French and Indian war colonists started heading west. This upset Native Americans because colonists were taking their land. This led to pontiacs war which was short but very important. After the scare of the war parliament put the PO1763 in place to stop any future conflict that they could not afford. The PO1763 made it so it was illegal for colonists to settle west of the Appalachian mountains.
  • Townshend Act/Reaction
  • Britan was in major debt form the French and Indian war and they needed to make money fast. They did this by enforcing taxes on colonies also knows as the sugar and stamp act that was put in place In 1764. Colonists were furious over these new laws. They weren't furious because of the law itself but the fact that they had no vote in parliament. Colonists boycotted British goods and smuggled in what they needed from ships.
  • Boston Massacre
  • Crispus Attaks
  • oww
  • Colonists went to the streets. they were enraged with the taxes put in place. they refered to the Magna Carta which says only an elected offical can make laws.
  • Boston Tea Party
  • Parliament passed new taxes after repealing the sugar and stamp acts. These new laws taxed any imported British good. The Colonists were certainly not happy with this. The colonists saw this as an abuse of power by the government and would not have this.
  • The Boston Massacre. One night Britsh red coats were sent to protect British officials due to the colonists were protesting the quartering act. A crowd of angry colonists started forming around them. As more colonists started to protest ice and snow was thrown at the red coats. Soon the soldiers got started and used excessive force by firing into the crowd. once the shooting stopped 5 lay dead. The most famous victim is Crispus Attaks, a freed sailor.
  • One night a group of angry and some drunk colonists from Boston decided to make a statement. They decided to dress up as Mohawk Native Americans and dump the imported tea into Boston Harbor as a way to protest the tea tax. The group dumped 342 crates of tea. That night they made history but it also backfired with the intolerable acts.
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