"Remember to simply all fractions and convert decimals into fractions! Two points off for all problems if one of these attributes is not shown," Explained Mr. Krane as she reviewed the rules for the upcoming benchmark tomorrow.
Noah is not paying attention
The lessons were so easy! I can't believe the teacher has to explain it again! - Noah
Noah went home and started to play instead of studing
"I am a straight A plus student, I don't need to study for a trivial quarterly!" Noah thought.
"WHAT??" Noah bawled.
Student: Wilshin Noah ; Grade 5 Math BenchMark Overall Score 25 Questions: 50% F Teacher's Note: I am disappointed in you Noah, You have so much potential but wasted it in on single go. Unfortunately, you will be in Level One, Academic Next year for math.
The next day when Mr.Krane talked about the benchmark Noah took a page full of notes which included a study guide
Recheck all work and do not add too many details or write more than a paragraph for the open ended Use above average vocab Study Guide: Review Lesson 3 & 4 Quiz self on the comprehension and plot
Recheck all work and do not add too many details or write more than a paragraph for the open ended
She also met with Mr.Krane after school for a basic review and added more to her study guide.
"Fix up on you punctuation"
"Will sure do!"
Student: Wilshin Noah ; Grade 5 English BenchMark Overall Score 25 Questions: 100% A+ Teacher's Note: So proud! Honor Roll no doubt!