Now that Cornus killed his father he has the throne now. Which would trun out be a mistake as the new ruler he was just as cruel or more cruel than his father and jst as his father he didn't free his siblings which angred his mother and she vowed that one of his kids would dethrone him cronus thought different and married his sister Reha.
Well done my son
Ahh yummy
As a way around his mother vow every child Reha had he had he would eat. Excpet one which Rhea had Replace with stone in swaddling cloth.
The child that Reha didn't give cronus she hid. In a cave in crete and that child name was Zeus overtime as he grew to manhood to overthrow his father his grandmother gave him a herb that would make his father throw up his siblings so they came up with a plan to disguise zeus as a cupbearer and slip the herb in his drink.
When Zeus gave his father the drink. He threw up all of the kids who where still alive and grown and they vowed war on there father
Im coming for you father!
We vow war!
After that war. The cyclops granted the three brother a special weapon Zeus the lighting bolt, Poseidan a tridant, and Hades a magical helmet along with this each brother clamied each part of the world Zeus the sky and heavns Poseidan the sea and water and hades Tarturus and the gods made a home in Olupums above the sky and a new era shall begin.
Uncles I came to free you!
While a raging war had started. Zeus turned the ties of the war when he freed his prisoned uncles in the Tarturus which changed the tide of war due to there helps and Gaia. With this they defeated Cronus and the Titans