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Conflict resolution
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • I'm sorry to leave you like this. My mom is calling me, I have to go!
  • It's okay. Can you talk tomorrow?
  • I hate you mom! You just don't understand! You're so strict and you never let me stay out with my friends.
  • What? I don't understand you? You don't understand me! 
  • I am 16 mom. I don't need to tell you where I am at all times. Whatever, just leave me alone!
  •  I shouldn't have to call my daughter 3 times before she answers. That is outrageous
  • I'm sorry to leave you like this. My mom is calling me, I have to go!
  • It's okay. Can you talk tomorrow?
  • I feel mad when you call me home from a friend's house. Sadie had a hard day and I was trying to consult her.
  • I understand, I was a teenage girl once too. You aren't in trouble.
  • I would like you to stop doing that. I'm getting older mom, I need more freedom.
  • I'll stop but can you imagine how worried I was tonight? I didn't know if you were safe and no matter how old you get, you'll always be my little girl
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