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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • But wherefore art not in thy shop today?Why dost thou lead these men about the streets?
  • Act 1, Scene 1
  • Act 1, Scene 2
  • Beware the ides of March.
  • Act 1, Scene 3
  • Cinna take this paper, And look you lay it in the praetor’s chair, Where Brutus may but find it. And throw this in at his window
  • Flavius and Murellus are in the town and commoners are flip flopping between Caesar and Pompey, and Flavius and Murellus are talking to a cobbler and carpenter.
  • Act 2, Scene 1
  • I just don't know what to do. Should i go? Should i not?
  • the soothsayer is telling caesar to beware of march 15th but Caesar isn't superstitious so he ignores the soothsayer
  • Act 2, Scene 2
  • Caesar you don't understand i've been seeing stuff.
  • This scene shows part of Cassius' plan to bring Brutus to his side.
  • Act 1, Scene 4
  • Lucius, don't just stand there! Run to the Senate house now!
  • Brutus is indecisive about whether he should help kill Caesar or not. He then receives a letter saying how much the people admire him and not Caesar.
  • As Caesar gets up to get dressed for the capitol, Calpurnia tells him about her superstitions and some things she saw.
  • Portia orders the servant, Lucius to go to the Senate House. He asks her what he should do once he is there.
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